Scenario development, showing impact on emissions from proposed changes to plant
Greenhouse gas and energy intensity curves
Impact of Investments

If you would like to know more, please get in touch.

Iron & Steel
Integrated Works (BF), Mini Mills (EAF),
DRI and Other AIT
Iron Ore and Met Coal Mining
Shipping, Railway and Barge
We provide data, consulting and bespoke CO2 emissions analysis, for the entire steel production chain.
Consulting assignments and requests

Bespoke data
Preparation of data in client-requested formats on an ongoing basis.

Process by process
Plant by plant
Researching the full CO2 supply chain
The path to net zero emissions starts with comprehensively researched emissions data.
Steelstat continuously tracks the detailed operating processes, material flows and emissions of around 250 major steel works throughout the world.
We also look beyond the steel plant boundary. Through our partnership with Skarn Associates (www.skarnassociates.com) we extend our upstream coverage of raw materials emissions to the mining of iron ore and coking coal.
The result is a uniquely comprehensive emissions picture for each steel plant facility comprising the whole supply chain to finished steel.
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Iron Ore
Met Coal
Iron & Steel

The problem with emissions data in steel
The steel industry is opaque in terms of releasing detailed, up-to-date plant operating information, particularly for individual sites.
Only some companies publish some form of site-specific scope and intensity values covering CO2 emissions.
Simone Woods
Where data is published it is usually limited and consolidated across multiple steel works. Typically, there is little or no technical breakdown of scope and intensity values and in most cases, there are no clear scope boundary definitions.
Nicole Yang
Much of the disclosed emissions data is irregularly published, so tracking very recent years of official data is often not possible
Calvin Smith
Many companies do not publish emissions data at all.
In only very few cases do companies choose to publish basic steel production data for individual production sites.
Suzanne Levis
The Steelstat approach
At the heart of our methodology lies Steelstat's Steel Operations & Emissions Platform, built to (1) calculate and normalise emissions data, (2) assist in validation of official data and (3) reconcile model inputs with official data where appropriate.
The Platform contains all the steel plants tracked by Steelstat and each plant is modelled according to its unique technical specification, detailed operating parameters and material/energy consumptions and credits.
CO2 emissions data is calculated using the worldsteel organisation's conversion factors for each of the material and energy volumes.

Bottom-up and top-down
for a more robust methodology

Benchmarking of greenhouse gas emissions and energy intensities on a plant-by-plant, country, regional and global basis.
The impact of types of iron and steelmaking technologies and their scale of operations on gas emissions:
Blast furnace/basic oxygen route, direct reduction, electric furnace, alternative ironmaking technologies (AIT)
In-depth views of each plant’s key operating processes where we present emission volumes by types of input material and by types of energy consumed.
Off-gases generated in iron and steel production. We account for their re-use, whether directly in operations, in power generation, sold or flared.
Transport logistics by sea and land from the raw materials supplier to the steel plant.
The upstream carbon footprint of steelmaking raw materials with respect to supplier geography, mining operations and type of material sourced.
We maintain the highest standards of data by using rigorous approaches to researching, balancing, and reconciling. This is made possible by the specific expertise and deep industry experience of our analysts. Our findings include:

Steelstat is a proud member of ResponsibleSteel.
We are happy to share knowledge and expertise in support of its drive to make standards and certification accepted and widespread throughout the sector. Having comprehensive, up-to-date approaches to measuring emissions which accurately reflect the industry is of critical importance. Steelstat plays a key role in this challenge and is proud, with its connection to ResponsibleSteel, to be part of the wider drive for environmentally responsible production of net-zero steel.”
Meet our key team

Steven Burchell
Co-founder & Director
Steven has over 30 years experience in the steel industry, holding leadership positions spanning strategy consulting, markets/technical research and business advisory services. As Managing Consultant at Hatch Associates Steven led strategy consulting projects drawing on his specialist areas of iron & steel technologies, emissions, plant operations, raw materials and costs/profitability. Previously, Steven was head of CRU’s global steel business for seven years, responsible for the company’s steel analysis and consulting services.

Mark Fellows
Associate, Iron Ore and Met Coal
Mark has over 30 years experience, providing strategic advice on metal markets, exploration, development projects, operating mines and corporate development. Mark’s expertise includes asset evaluation, benchmarking and optimisation, and encompasses, geology, mining, ore processing, and mining finance. He has conducted investment appraisals of numerous companies, mining projects and mining sector services businesses. Mark is a co-founder of Skarn Associates.

Nick Zhelyazkov
Co-founder & Research Director
Nick has 17 years experience in providing research, analysis, and consulting on a variety of topics in the steel industry. He has worked as a consultant and data manager at Steel Business Briefing (SBB) and as part of the Platts' metals commercial team. Nick's expertise is in developing and bringing to market new data and statistics services for the steel market.

Charles Cooper
Associate, Iron Ore and Met Coal